We are currently looking for operatives to fill the position of Groundsman
Please note that we are currently taking bookings into the beginning of January. Thank you for your patience.

Ash Dieback

Unfortunately, Ash Dieback disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is an increasing problem faced by tree stock, estimated to kill 80% of Ash trees in the UK.  Sadly, this will change the look of the British landscape in a detrimental way. The removal of diseased trees infected with ADB is crucial to public safety and the prevention of further spread of the disease. Associated works pose great risk to operatives and to the public due to the loss of fibre strength, directional control and falling debris. Having already successfully completed contracts for the felling of large numbers of infected trees, we have the necessary experience, skills and equipment to safely and efficiently complete this type of work, in addition to applying for relevant permits and felling licenses.

Where necessary, we make use of varied machinery, including excavators, telehandlers, cranes and MEWPs to safely fell infected trees and deal with bulk arisings, whether cutting timber for firewood product or whole tree chipping. In areas of high public use, we can implement traffic management and exclusion zones, in the interest of public safety, whilst carrying out the work.